
The view from here.

Many years ago I discovered most things that happen to us in life are mostly determined by previous decisions, by our choices.

Since the lockdown, life in the inside, with its much slower pace, has given us the opportunity to reevaluate everything concerning our lives, from the most simple aspects to the deepest ones. And, if you have been doing that, consciously or not, you have probably discovered some of the right or wrong choices that took you to the situation or stage you were in when this nightmare hit us.

Some years ago, as I mentioned, I arrived to the conclusion that every minor decision we make takes us to a place, good, mediocre, or bad. Even now, during this crisis, we make choices since the moment we wake up. But I have been thinking, mostly, about the ones I have made over the years, specially the hardest ones. Sometimes we need to execute a giant leap, a drastic change, that looks crazy and really hard, but if life presents you a possibility, a path that could lead you to a better place in the future, in my experience, it's worth it to take it, to risk what the situation ask for and demands. In my case that path took me to freedom, spiritual peace, and a better life. I know it requires going through a lot of trials and sacrifices to take life by the horns, but the other alternative, the easy familiar road, is even more painful, humiliating, and has no ending in sight.

I will never forget the words an AIDS patient, gravely ill, expressed in an interview many years ago. He said the only thing he wanted at this stage of his life was to live each day with dignity. I think he was right. Making choices is all about that, self reliance and dignity.Those are the only things that really matter. 


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