Before the storm

The view from here. 

(Things that were in my mind).

November news.

From this warm corner, behind the glass front wall, I can see the neighborhood and the world wake up to another autumn day. I see carefree people walking, just bellow the balcony, towards their day. Looking at them they don't seem capable of doing anything wrong, they just appear to be minding their own lives. I want to believe most humans are still like that. Unfortunately, when you watch the news, or a show on TV, you get the idea the world is full of haters and manipulators. You reach the conclusion people don't mind lying or destroying others' reputation.

A regrettable example of that coldness, and even cruelty, is what I recently read in an article about a minor health problem the great french actress Catherine Deneuve had while filming a movie near Paris. In this piece some of her neighbors give details about what they call her excesses. It chocked me to see how those people talk about Deneuve in a tone as she was already dead, and harshly criticize her, giving information about her daily life, her appearance, and the things she likes to do around her neighborhood. It was a terrible display of hatred. My only hope is that the writer manipulated the information he got from those people. It would be less painful to know that it was only one person, and not several neighbors, who acted in bad faith. Even better news would be that Catherine Deneuve gets well pretty soon, and then the whole world could see her enjoying herself, wandering the streets of Saint Sulpice, her beautiful neighborhood in Paris, once again.


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