An early present for Pisces

By Aymara Lorente

           To Pedro, on his birthday, with love and admiration, and to Mr. Lehrman, with deep gratitude.

Lewis E. Lehrman had no idea Pedro’s birthday was coming up.  What he certainly knows about is his love for books.  People at work see him with one of those in his hands almost every day.  Pedro reads every chance he gets.  He loves good literature, and those who appreciate it too, commend him for that, Mr. Lehrman among them.  He commented to Pedro the other day about his admiration for his commitment to reading and his love for literature.  And he asked if he could give him some books about American history.  Of course, Pedro said yes.  He also offered to rebind the old dictionary he always has on hand.  Pedro was touched by those gestures, especially coming from a person he respects so much.

A couple of days later, he got a package at work containing three wonderful books, but the huge surprise came when he saw Lewis E. Lehrman himself was the author.  These books are a deserved homage to the founding fathers of this country, and to Abraham Lincoln, a Republican president who we admire because he stood and fought for human justice, against slavery, and to keep this great country united.  I am sure these books are going to help us understand better the facts and principles on which our country of adoption was created.

Pedro brought the books home, and, when we read them, they will be placed with the best pieces of our modest, but always growing home library. They came just in time, before his birthday, and, for many reasons, they will be treasured forever.  To us they are a special gift from this historian, a writer, an American patriot, a thoughtful man.

photos by Aymara Lorente


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